In a long and defiant declaration posted to the internet, Sheik Ibrahim Zakzaky asserted that no force was powerful enough to crush the Islamic movement in Nigeria. The movement's conviction was well entrenched and could not be gagged or eroded, he said.
The declaration cited evidence of American and Nigerian operatives making moves to eliminate Sheik Zakzaky. This evidence included the constant helicopter flying over Zakzaky's residence in Zaria town.
The declaration read in part: “Recent happenings in Zaria have stirred questions as to what the Nigerian and US security apparatus are up to. About two weeks ago a bomb was reported to have exploded at a school in Tudun Jukun area of the town. This was followed almost immediately by “exchange of gun fire” with “some unknown gunmen” at Danmagaji area. A day or two later there was a bomb explosion at Kwarbai quarters in the heart of Zaria city which was followed by officially routing the residence of a Good Samaritan who has been living peacefully with his people.
"The following week, about twentyfour trucks loaded with security agents armed to the teeth and bulldozers were seen trooping in to the peaceful town. For two consecutive nights a plane was seen hovering over the residence of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky at about 4 a.m. at very low altitude and almost crawling speed, perhaps with the intent of bombing the Sheikh’s residence.
"Reports reaching us from friendly sources indicate that the diffidence situation being feigned in Zaria is to pave way for an unpropitious plan by the US government via their Nigerian mannequins to do away with the revered Sheikh. The reports reveal that a house to house search will be conducted in some parts of Zaria, to serve as prelude to their final assault on Gyellesu area, where Sheikh Zakzaky resides. This has been confirmed by the fact that for about two days, they have started the operation at Fanwanki quarters, where they went about at midnight invading the residences of innocent people. They have already mapped out where Hurras (Muslim brothers keeping vigil) are staying, and have planned to eliminate them using silenced guns.
"The question is why all these harassments? Zaria has been known for its peaceful nature. It has been and is still the seat of knowledge in Nigeria. The role of Zaria in preserving the teachings of Islam is well known. It is also very well recognized as the seat of many reputable tertiary institutions of Nigeria. Who then will benefit in plundering the city into chaos and anarchy? Under our watchful eyes, Maiduguri (another seat of Islamic knowledge) has been ravaged; Kano (the economic centre of the North) has been paralysed, all in the name of the so-called Boko Haram saga. These and many heinous events of their kinds have left nobody guessing as to the fact that somebody, somewhere is hell bent on crippling the strategic interests of Nigeria, particularly the Northern part of the country.
"We know that the US and Nigerian governments are disturbed and envious of the growing influence and respect Sheikh Zakzaky is commanding, not only among the Muslims but even the non-Muslims. The recent peaceful protests held against the blasphemous US-made anti-Islam film across the country and some other African countries at the instance of his call, are clear evidence of their present action. His is a vibrant Islamic Movement with its roots fully entrenched in the minds of all conscious Muslims, drawing from the fountain of belief and faith. So no force can crush it.
It is about time the Nigerian security re-evaluate their perception of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria generally, and the personality of Sheikh Zakzaky in particular. It is about time they also seriously weigh the likely repercussions of their faulty and hasty decisions to please their masters-US. We are watching with keen interest the developments taking place on the security situation being imposed on Zaria. On Allah we depend and He is All-capable and All-knowing.
Source: SaharaReporters