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 Enugu-Ezike reputed as the largest single community in black Africa is located in Igbo Eze North Local Government Area of Enugu State of Nigeria.  It has a population of about 259,431 with 36 villages in addition to some other newly created political autonomous communities.

Enugu-Ezike has common boundaries with Benue and Kogi States of Nigeria. On the North is Ette, a non-Igbo speaking community in Igbo Eze North Local Government Area.  On the East is Ofante and Idoma while the North West flank are Amaka and Akpanya communities of Benue State.  To the South West is Ibagwa while the South West is Alor Agu, Unadu and Itchi.  To the South East of Enugu-Ezike are Obollo Afor, Iheaka and Ovoko.

Enugu Ezike is renowned for her palm wine, practice of traditional medicine and   African Traditional Religion (ATR).

As to the origin of Enugu-Ezike, various writers and researchers have come up with varied opinions about that.  However, the one that appealed to me most has it that Enugu-Ezike originated from Benin Kingdom in the present Edo State of Nigeria.

He was the son of the Oba of Benin and heir apparent to the throne.  Ejige Oba as he was called, though a skillful hunter, lived a wayward life and that antagonized him with his father, the Oba of Benin who plotted to sell him off to slavery.

 His mother, the queen got hint of that plan and as a result, Ejige Oba eloped and migrated to Onitsha through Asaba. From there, he moved to Aguleri and further to Ebenebe and settled at Okpuno Ezike at Enugu Ukwu all in Anambara State of Nigeria.

 From Enugu Ukwu, he moved through the Anambra Rivers to Igabada and then to Idah both in Kogi State.  While at Idah, he stayed with King of Idah known as the Ata.  As a hunter, he shot an elephant and followed the wounded animal to Odoru and Agbokete both in Kogi State and continued the pursuit up to Ibagwa Ani and moved in the search to Ekoyi grove and finally to Ugwueka hill at Amube  where the animal was spotted dead.  He then settled at Amube hill which was referred to Elugwu Ezike (Ejige) Oba. He named the place as “Ufu”.

 Ezike Oba married wives but two of them gave birth to the four sons that make up Enugu-Ezike.  The two wives were Ayigwa who bore him the first son, Ezzodo and the third son, Essodo.  Osegbe gave birth to the second son, Itodo and the fourth and last born, Ozzi.

 Below is the list of the villages that make up Enugu-Ezike. It does not include new political creations in the form of autonomous communities

Ezzodo      (1st son)


 (3rd   son)


(2nd son)


(4th son)



 Aji  Amufie  Inyi
 Uroshi  Umuagama  Amachalla  Ugbaike


 Umuogbo Ulo  Olido  Okpo


 Umuogbo Agu

 Imufu  Amaja


 Umuogbo Inyi  Igbele  Isugwu


 Umuogbo Ekposhi  Ikpuiga  Umuida
















 Onicha Enugu
















 Umuopu Agu








 Owerre Eze


















In 1935, nine old men from Enugu-Ezike went to Awka to testify in a land case between Enugu Ukwu and Enugu Agidi.  Up till today, there is a place referred to as Okpuno Ezike in Enugu Ukwu which is regarded in some quarters as part of the original home of Ezike (Ejige) Oba.


Areas of similarities include costumes, head gears, traditional music such as Okanga and Okeregwu with musical instruments like Ariwa.  Names like Ogbaje Obeta , Odo are also answered by the Igalas while the Binis also answer Ossai.


According to  Eze. O, Islam was brought to Enugu Ezike through a Nupe Muslim trader, Ibrahim Adukwu who came down from his hometown, Bida with his mother and siblings and settled at Umuogodo, Amufie. 

He was described by C.K. Meek as an ambitious and powerful Nupe man.  He was said to have acquired Quaranic education under a Mallam versed in Arabic language back home in Bida in the present Niger State of Nigeria. 

Ibrahim Adukwu was used by the British in the administration of Nsukka area hence his appointment as a Warrant Chief.  This appointment helped in deepening and expanding the frontiers of Islam in Enugu-Ezike.  In 1918, when the Native Court of Enugu-Ezike was formed, Adukwu was a principal member.  His towering personality not only dragged his 120 servants to Islam but was also a source of assurances and guarantees to many more Muslim immigrants.

 The unmitigated spread of Islam in Enugu-Ezike was, however, checkmated by the presence of Christian missionaries who established schools.  Such schools became centres for religious instructions.

 Ibrahim Adukwu is remembered for the introduction of St Luke’s Anglican school in Amufie in 1931 not minding that he was a Muslim.  It could, however, be because some of his sons needed western education which only the missionaries were the gateway.  Some of the sons took Christian names to actualize their dreams of acquiring western education.  His sons dominated the public positions open to Africans in the Enugu-Ezike Native Authority Areas.  They included Johnson Bawala C. Adukwu, William Momoh Adukwu, Alfred Abubukar Adukwu and Richard Audu Adukwu.

 It must be noted that in the long run, his romance with Mission school brought the dwindling fortunes of Islam in Enugu-Ezike where it has continued to play a second fiddle to Christianity.  The mission schools provided western education which presented high prospects for the leaders of tomorrow as against Quaranic education which is more on Arabic literacy.

 It is equally noteworthy that the first female graduate from Enugu Ezike in the person of Stella Nkem Adukwu of Amufie came from Ibrahim Adukwu’s family.  She graduated in 1978.  The second and third positions went to Benedette Eze of Imufu and Bridget Mayiri Iyida of Olido respectively.  Benedette graduated in 1979 and Mayiri in 1981.  The three of them came from the Umuitodo clan of Enugu-Ezike.

 In the male category, the first was Johnson Eze from Amachalla.  He graduated in 1962.  Nduka Eya from Amufie came second while the third position went to Gabriel Ugwuanyi of Olido.  He graduated in 1965.  The three are also from the Umuitodo clan of Enugu-Ezike where Ibrahim Adukwu had the greatest influence.


The stool of Onyishi (Eldest Man) in Enugu-Ezike is not political and as such is not contestable. There is the belief that anyone who out of greed, maneuvers or sharp practices ascended the throne is bound to visited with death within a short period of time after his installation.

 Enugu Ezike people have so many cultural heritages but for now, we will dwell on the tradition of marital fidelity known as Ndishi Tradition.  It has attracted comments from so many quarters such that some see it as obnoxious or sharia-law like.


Ndishi is a spiritual being seen only by those who violated the tradition of marital fidelity.  The tradition is as old as Enugu-Ezike instituted by Ezike Oba himself before he died.

The tradition is binding on every child of Enugu-Ezike.  It revolves around having extra-marital affairs with another man’s wife or even an obvious intention to do so through kissing or having your hand across the waist of another man’s wife which is seen as synonymous with sex.

Once a lady’s pride price is paid, she cannot for any reason have an affair with another man other than her husband.

 A widow is forbidden to have an affair while inside her late husband’s house or risk the death of her first son.  If she wants to do such a thing she must be relocated to another house.  If she gets tired and wants to come back to her late husband’s house, she will confess to her escapades, appease the gods and then return after a cleansing ceremony.

 An Enugu-Ezike man is forbidden to have a sexual relationship with another man’s wife.  Such acts attract the wrath of Ndishi and are highly punishable.

 A married woman is forbidden to make a monetary donation or contribution  to her family or any other person without the knowledge of her husband or risk being arrested by Ndishi.

 A married woman while taking her bath cannot answer a call from another man except her husband.

 It is against Ndishi to knock on the door of a married woman when she is alone in the room or house.


The gods are appeased to avert death, madness, delayed labour, pulling out of the person’s tongue or stiffing of the neck.

 The process begins with an open confession of the man or woman stating all parties to the crime as well as the number of times involved. A handful of sand is raised and thrown into the air to show they are uncountable.

 After the confession, rituals are performed with goat, yam, kola nut and palm wine to appease the gods.  The woman forfeits to the Onyishi the clothes including the inner wears which she wore on the day she committed the act.

 It must be pointed out that Ndishi will kill the man instead of the wife if a man discovers the infidelity in his wife and keeps quiet, sleeps with her or eats her food.  Men when they suspect their wives will be enchanting “Ndishi Nso” to plead their innocence and ignorance to Ndishi and equally seek his protection.

 A man whose wife was caught by the Ndishi spirit stays away when the wife is making her confessions.  The news is normally relayed to him through his sisters.  Equally, he cannot partake in the items used in appeasing the gods.

 For emphasis, men are allowed to keep mistresses but should have no  extra-marital dealings with a married woman.  This idea has been a subject of debate but in my opinion, I think it is because men can marry more than one wife at a time but a woman cannot marry more than one husband at a time.

 The phenomenon of Ndishi is seen as a good omen by some people who believed that women in view of the loss of moral values and recourse to loose lifestyles would have gone to the extent of sleeping around without batting an eyelid.   For the obvious fact that once you do a public confession, your dignity has gone forever has made so many people to think deeply of the implications before engaging in an immoral act.


Number of comments: 25

12/3/2013 10:29:38 AM - Echieteka,

Great history,good norms and practice. Tell me if u are against this prudent way of life. What's your religion? Do u preach against infidelity? How do you react to it? And u are against this rules. Did your great grand father marry two wives? What of your father? Do you believe is in Men nature to marry more than one wife? Not only in Africa is that,middle east as well,even Asia. If all this is yes,stop running your tongue. Appreciate the articulation of this acceptable law.

3/21/2014 3:25:29 PM - cara membuka m.semprot,,

thank you for your writing because it really helped me a program that I live not too is complete I hope this could be developed further

9/27/2014 12:40:03 PM - oliverites,, veryinterestinghistory

This is a very interesting history.

10/7/2014 3:29:14 AM - Apeh Junior,

This is an interesting history which would help us to know our originality
and our anscestors .I also appericiate the binding laws bcs it haste similarities ten commandments of God .Tnx

11/29/2014 7:16:57 AM - conan,,


1/2/2015 12:00:10 PM - JOHN OBI,

I have seen so many write ups about Enugu Ezike and its traditional bullet proof(Called Odeshi), in which area of Enugu Ezike can we verify this to be true or false

1/15/2015 7:05:14 PM - nnenna,

nice history dear and totally awesome blog site. keep it up. please can i get the list of festivals in enugu ezike and details of festivals too. thanks.

3/24/2015 11:31:26 AM - cheat gta san andreas langsung tamat,,

This is an interesting history which would help us to know our originality
and our anscestors

4/17/2015 1:51:00 AM - Ike Maryann ,

Pls if an Enugu-Ezike man has a child with a woman from another state and did not pay her bride price and in the woman's tradition if a man did not pay a woman's bride price the child belongs to the woman's parents . On this account does the man has the right of ownership over the baby since he didn't pay d bride price?

5/4/2015 6:13:23 PM - Free Download PC Games,,

Thank you for the information you provided, this really helped me(inlove)

9/1/2015 9:11:44 AM - ogbonna richard,

its quite resuscitatin nd welomin one. this history makes me more out standing nd pompous about were i came from bcus a man who doesnt kno his origin will be face wit a blaphemous nd mockin coments from frnds.. i tank dose who made it posible for that post to be at public nd rather called internet, more power to u so u should post more of our culture...

9/22/2015 11:06:05 AM - Hillary Daniel Eze,, 124

very interesting story, mor grace to his able who have made this law to my people of (Enugu ezike) because it is Gods sent, it is biblical, it boost up the dignity of our people , our women are highly respect


1/21/2016 7:55:20 AM - Chukwunonso Kingsley Ogbu,

This is clear and succicnt. Thanks for this giant stride. I believe this blog can do more than this. Keep it up. Secondly, the biological make up of men and women(cf. Spermatogensis and ovulation) shows that men have more sexual hyperactivity than women hence the status quo in Enugu Ezike and even in the ancient worlds of biblical history.

1/30/2016 3:21:02 AM - Obat sperma kering pada pria,,

I like your article

2/7/2016 9:45:28 PM - tas seminar,,

Ini adalah sejarah yang menarik yang akan membantu kita untuk mengetahui keaslian kami
dan anscestors kami

5/25/2016 10:43:57 PM - iyida Timothy chika,

greetings to my GREAT ppl of Enugwu-ezike nd ISIUGWU ladies nd gentlemen, lng lif to al f US

10/11/2016 5:06:49 PM - Petr,

Well done for this wonderful blog site. May the grace of God to do this lovely job never lack in your life.I thank my stars that a rare opportunity like this platform is here before me and for me to take this advantage to narrate a pressing need here. Here is my story:

Five years ago, I'm in love with a young woman from Enugu Ezike, Ogrute to be precise and no doubt she loves me too. I plan to introduce her to my people as a woman I want to marry, but something happened. Within that period in question, 2 months to my NYSC orientation program, I lost my phone. I tried all I could to get her contact back, to no avail and I traveled to the Western State where I served. I remained hopeful that we will link up again, then 6 months into my service year, she called me and told me that she has gotten another man because I abandoned her. This shattered my heart so much and it nearly made me go crazy. Since then, all other relationships I'v tried to enter did not work out. Then about middle of this year, she called and we are reuniting gradually.She said so many things and one of them is that she had a child from a man who did her marriage introduction and bride price, left her for more than 2 years without asking about her and the child and that her people has since returned the bride price to him because of his unseriousness. Now the truth is that I still loves her, infact we still love ourselves. My question is: was what happened between her and her ex be called marriage? since there was no wedding and or traditional marriage? Another question is: as a real christian to the core that I am, how do I go about this whole thing because I want to marry her. Please your candid opinion, advice, suggestion or answers would be highly appreciated. God bless you.

6/1/2017 12:53:24 PM - Vivass Bag,,

This is a helpful website. Thank you for the information, good blog.

9/29/2017 3:00:32 PM - seminar kit,,


2/7/2018 6:22:51 PM - jaket kulit,,

That's clear and succicnt. Thanks for your stride I think this blog can do more things. Continuing second, the biological composition of men and women (cf Spermatogensis and ovulation) showed that men had more sexual activity than women, and thus Enugu ezike status, even in the ancient world of Biblical history. <a href="">pusat grosir jaket kulit ke jakarta</a>

11/27/2018 6:38:50 AM - Dunia Tas,,

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2/28/2021 9:13:24 AM

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